這次講習非比尋常,第一點 指導員是 Daniil Ryabko,不僅因為他是 Systema 創建者
Mikhail Ryabko 的兒子,重要的是他是活生生的"純" Systema 訓練樣本。第二點 台灣首次的講習會,參與者居然也相當國際化,不僅有國外同好前來,居住在台灣的外籍同好也來共襄盛舉,有人還問我 "怎全是外國人?" 其實他看錯了,只佔三分之一而且主要是日本來的朋友,同好間相處融洽。第三點 在場參與的指導員對學員的比例近乎五比一,這在Systema才啟蒙的地區幾乎是不可能發生的事,這都歸功於日本方面自發性的熱情支援。第四點是 高標準的講習內容。Systema最大的特點就是沒有固定的傳授內容,都是主課的指導員視在場狀況調度,這次來參加的朋友僅少數缺乏Systema基礎,更有水準整齊的日本同好提高平均程度, Daniil自然對應出更深度的示範,或許遠超過絕大多數人能領會的程度,卻讓大家看得更遠,明白自己的想像力居然比Daniil 當場表現的還狹窄,從而突破劃地自限的局面。
Systema在台灣發展進入斬新的一頁: 過去因為時空因素,想學習 Systema 只能前往國外跟隨合格指導員跨過最基礎的門檻才可能回來自主訓練,只靠上網研究自學或利用其他武術解析Systema的人,國內外沒聽過成功的例子。同好們大可質疑小弟的講法,或說我意圖壟斷資訊,如今 Daniil 給了大家第一手的Systema印象,參與的同好都是見證者,他們的體會足以評價小弟部落格所寫的一切是否言過其實,或 Systema Taipei 向同好們提供的練習是我們看幾片DVD 再自作聰明望文生義掰出來內容。
為台灣引進 Systema 是我們發下的宏願也是Systema Taipei 對同好們的承諾,如今我們已跨出漂亮的第一步。期待台灣更開放,更精采,更多人引進國外出色的技藝,讓台灣更多元豐富,大家眼界愈開愈能辨別真正寶藏,不為一般俗品所惑。
版主為台灣最早取得俄羅斯武術 SYSTEMA 莫斯科與多倫多總部正式認可的認證指導員 此處提供數十篇 Systema 的原創文章分享 希望華文世界的朋友 特別是 Taiwan 的 Systema 愛好者能讀到第一手的練習心得 *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** SYSTEMA SCHOOLs are currently certified and recognized to teach Systema as presented by Vladimir Vasiliev and Mikhail Ryabko.
星期二, 5月 29, 2012
星期三, 5月 02, 2012
遇見Systema: Vladimir訪談譯文
Encounter with SystemaInterview with Vladimir Vasiliev recorded at the seminar in Tokyo, hosted by Andy Cefai and Ryo Onishipublished by Hiden Budo & Bujitsu magazinetranslated from Japanese by Taka Kitagawa
遇見Systema專訪Vladimir Vasiliev於東京講習會(由Andy Cefai和大西亮一主辦)原刊載“秘傳”雜誌,北川貴英將日文譯英文
Question-When did you encounter Systema for the first time?
Vladimir Vasiliev (VV): It's in the early 80s that I met Mikhail Ryabko.
Vladimir Vasiliev (VV): 80年代初遇到Mikhail Ryabko時。
-You were serving in the military at that time. What kind of martial arts were you training in?
VV: I was mostly training for a close quarter combat. Those martial arts have good points but Mikhail showed me a completely different approach.
VV: 大部份是CQC(貼身近戰)訓練,這些訓練很不錯但Mikhail讓我見識到全然不同的一面。
-Do you remember your first impression of Mikhail?
VV: I watched him with a skeptical eye. He didn't look like a fighter.
VV: 我看著他有些懷疑,他不太像會打鬥的人。
-What made you realize that he is so special?
VV: The things he showed were very special. I was wondering if he is an ordinary human being, how can he show such amazing things? He is just a good person. Nothing spectacular like a mountain hermit or a bearded wizard from the movies.
VV: 他表現的就是與眾不同,我在想他到底是不是個凡人,他怎能辦到那些讓人驚奇的事?他不過是個普通人,一點也不像世外高人或在電影上看到的大胡子巫師。
- Did you start learning at that point?
VV: Mikhail didn't introduce himself as a "teacher". So we were just training together. I didn't feel that I was a student of Mikhail. Of course we can say that we are students of Mikhail but he never presented himself as a teacher.
VV: Mikhail對我並沒有以“老師”自居,當時我們只是一起練習,那時我也不覺得自己是他的學生。當然可以說我們是Mikhail的學生,但他從不稱自己是老師。
-I thought you were training with Mikhail very closely. Did you take many classes every week?
VV: We started as being friends in our city of Tver, Mikhail would come to my home for food and drinks and to talk. He is a master but interacts as an ordinary person. Through such a relationship, I gained respect and friendship for him even outside of the training. At that time I took about 3 classes per week 2 or 3 hours each. And we’ve been friends for over 30 years now.
VV: 我們開始就像朋友一般,在我待的城市Tver,Mikhail會來我家吃飯喝酒聊天,是個作風平凡的大師。由於這樣,課堂之外我仍敬重他並珍惜我們的友誼。當時我差不多一周上三次課每回二三個小時,如今我們已是30多年的朋友了。
-Did you get some particular word of advice from Mikhail in those early days?
VV: His advice was "Relax and don't rush".
-Did you find it difficult to study movement rather than technique?
VV: Usually in martial arts practice, we agree on the speed of the attack and which weapon or part of the body the partner will use, but Mikhail would not prearrange anything. It means any unexpected attack would be OK. Any speed, any direction, a kick or a punch, it is all fine. This is the thing that surprised me more than anything else. Initially it was very difficult to adjust to such a freedom. The boxing that I did before was not like that.
VV:一般武術練習時我們通常會和同伴先說好攻擊的速度,使用身體什麼部位或武器進行, 但Mikhail不會事先套好,也就是說用偷襲的也行,任何速度,方位,要踢要打都無所謂。光是這一點完全出乎我的意料之外。一開始對這種全然自由沒有預設的情況很難調適,之前練習拳擊時也不會這樣作。
-Normally we train with some kind of pattern. Did you learn such a freedom by osmosis?
VV: The more I know, the more of my mistakes I find, I felt that I lost the illusions about my skill. Now too, I see my mistakes and rather than getting discouraged, just try to work on them.
問:一般我們訓練時會用上一些攻防模式(pattern),而您學習的是這種徹頭徹尾的自由? VV:理解愈深入愈發現自己有那麼多錯誤,當時覺得對自己對原有技巧失去樂觀的期待,現在感覺也是如此,但不再沮喪只會設法改正那些錯誤。
-I feel that you are talking very high level. How many years did you train with Mikhail?
VV: About a year and a half. Of course sometimes I couldn't go to the training. I was not a good student.
問:我覺得您剛才解說的境界非常高。 您跟隨Mikhail訓練了多少年?
VV: 差不多一年半。當然有時候也會缺席,我不是個好學生。
-In the 90s you moved to Toronto, Canada.
VV: Yes.
問:90年代您移居去了加拿大,多倫多?VV: 是
-After your coming to Canada, you did not see Mikhail for a few years. Did you feel he had changed when you met him after this long interval?
VV: We talked on the phone when I moved and saw each other again 8 years later. Mikhail had changed a lot.
問:來到加拿大後您有好些年沒見到Mikhail, 隔了那麼長時間再見到他時您覺得Mikhail有改變嗎?
-How did he change?
VV: His movements were even more short and simple. He had more variety thanin the past. He also became more spiritual and gained a lot of strength from there.
VV: 他的動作變得更小更精簡比以往更加不可捉摸。他也更朝向精神層面修為並且從中得到更大的力量。
-I believe that the spirituality of Systema is Russian Orthodox Faith. Is that a part that is absolutely imperative?
VV: Systema has its roots in the Faith but I don’t think it is absolutely imperative. Learning Systema might be within the process of being a good human being. This kind of topic is difficult to discuss because each person has his own reaction.
VV: Systema有個信仰的根源但我不認為一定得信俄羅斯正教不可,學習Systema差不多成為一個好人的過程。這個問題很難一概而論,每個人都有自己的路要走。
-You control multiple attackers very easily in this seminar. Do you expect the next attacker when you are controlling the first one?
VV: I'm looking out for the next attacker for sure but I'm not waiting for him. I'm trying to feel. Actually it is possible to control them with looking. I know how they are going to react to my movements and I position myself accordingly.
VV: 我當然會對陸續前來的攻擊者保持警戒但並非杵在那兒等著,而是去感覺他們的存在。事實上用視線掌控住他們是可能的,只要清楚他們對我的作為有何反應就可以據此調整我的迎戰姿態。
-I understand because of your very smooth footwork, you control multiple angle attacks without moving from the spot. If you need to move, you move back and come around behind. Then how can you develop the "Feeling"?
VV: It is difficult to explain but the more flexibility and comfort you have in yourbody, the more you begin to feel.
-Can you find or invent movements yourself?
VV: We can practice our own free movements in the training. The important thing to remember is to find out your own movement without imitating someone. Everybody has their own special ways to move.
問: 您能找到或創造自己的動作?
VV: 訓練中我們可自由練習專屬自己的動作。重要的是找到自己的方式不要模仿某人。每個人都有獨特的方法來動作。
-Again, the key is to keep moving, right?
VV: That's what I believe. We forget the technique when the fear comes. Efficient thinking gets shut down by the fear.
VV: 我是這麼認為。處在恐懼下我們施展不出技巧也會讓腦子一片空白。
-What is your current challenge? I can't find any defects in your work.
VV: (Shaking his head horizontally) I think that I have too much tension. The more I understand Systema, the more I find deep tension. I also have too much play.
問:您目前有什麼要繼續努力的? 我看不出您有何缺點。
VV:(搖頭)我認為自己“緊張”(Tension)太多。我愈深入Systema, 愈能發現內在的“緊張”(Tension)。而且我的花樣太多了。
-Too much play?
VV: I mean that I move too much. If you watch Mikhail, you can understand what I'm saying. Mikhail is the best for me.
VV: 我的意思是我動得太多。你拿Mikhail來對照就知道我指的是什麼。Mikahail對我而言是最好的。
-Frankly speaking, the movement of Mikhail is too high to understand.
VV: Exactly. I would like to learn that.
VV: 沒錯,我就是以此為目標。
-Andy Cefai, a Systema instructor and head of Systema Japan. Andy, go ahead.
Andy (A): You advised me "Look more inside of yourself". For instance you told me "When somebody is trying to punch you, you shouldn't look at the opponent or analyze his movement. At that time you should look inside of yourself. Then you know yourself and you move based on yourself. You can break new ground with such an approach." Could you give me more details on that?
VV: When you look at the opponent during practice, it means you want to show something as an instructor. The more you try to show, the more fragile you are. Instead, try to work while looking inside of yourself. Then you can bring a positive change for everybody.
Andy Cefai 是Systema Japan的發起人和指導員。他接著問。
Andy(A): 你建議我“多觀照自我”。像你跟我說過 “若有個人揮拳打過來,你不該盯著他或試圖切入他的動作,當下應該關註的是自己的反應。清楚自己的反應就能利用這個反應生出自己的動作,就能發生前無古人的新招"。你能更深入的解釋嗎?
A: I understand. Not looking at the opponent but at yourself.
VV: Trying to assist somebody in training can indicate your ego. People who can't help themselves cannot assist other people. Whereas, if you can work on yourself while helping other people, you are the master. The more you practice this type of training, the more you will know what I mean.
A: 我明白了,專註自身別老想著對手就對了。
VV: 在練習時(以強者之姿)協助別人你會顯得有些“傲慢”(ego). 沒辦法自我提升的人也幫不了旁人,相對的,在提升自己同時也能幫助旁人提升就是師傅級的了。愈使用這種態度來訓練,你會更明白我的意思。
-Thank you very much for the time you've given us today.
VV: Thank you.
VV:謝謝 。
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