這篇內容來自多倫多總部的訂閱文,原文由指導員 Alexander Shostko 參與2011墨西哥大師講習會後錄下,現在貼上原文並於重點處試譯試解,提供愛好者修鍊systema指引參考。要留意的是內容歷經現場俄語口譯西語英語,作者筆記成英文,小弟再轉為中文故抓住意思比較重要,字字探討分析沒啥意義。
Vladimir Vasiliev
“The picture is better than a thousand words”
Much has been written about Vladimir already. Therefore, I will be brief. In addition to being a very generous teacher with superior skills and methodology, Vladimir has the talent of explaining fairly complex concepts with simple metaphors on the level of sensation/feelings. With many things lost in translation, I try to cover some concepts and what they meant in the context below:
“Give tension to the opponent, but remain relaxed yourself”. (加tension於對手,但別留在自己身上。譯註:不要平時放鬆一遇上要處理對手馬上就緊蹦!)
“Breathe lightly and the body will be soft”. (呼吸輕一點,身體會柔軟些。譯註:適當呼吸,別怕氣不足就猛吸)
“Your work should be multifaceted with multiple meanings”.(動作手法應具有多面向的作用。譯註:決定自己動作動向時不要只應付對手招式,自己每個舉動反應都很珍貴要善加運用別浪費)
“It is too much of you” - Move just enough, no more than needed.(別動太多。譯註:對照上一條,別反應過度,一旦進行反應要善用)
“Forget about the guy you hit” - The explanation was do not get emotionally involved with empathy towards your opponent.(忘了被你打的人。譯註:事來則應,過去不留。不管上一動結果如何,那個點已經過了,接下來還有別的事,別被前事牽住目光思緒)
“Be bold in your work” - Work joyfully.(動作明確-去玩。譯註:練習時動作果決明確,彼此才練得到,特別是進行慢速練習時)
“Good warrior is healthy warrior” - no explanation is needed.(優秀戰士都是活力充沛的)
“Aggressive people usually do not have money”.(容易激動的人通常沒錢。譯註:面對情況要有耐心,順情勢自然轉變別急著介入主導)
“Do not fight” - The meaning is not to counter force with force, but rather continue along the line of attack and lock the attacker unexpectedly, before he can re-adjust.(別纏鬥! 原注:不要力抗力,順著攻擊方向走並在對方變化前依附在進攻者不順的位置角度上。 譯注:這部份和太極拳的精神可互相參照,約莫是捨己從人,不丟不頂的意思)
Konstantin Komarov:
“Дорога с множеством извилин ведет к гибели баранов”
(Road with many curves leads to sheep losses) (歧途多亡羊)
Konstantin has a talent of explaining Systema concepts with utmost simplicity. Typically he treads a reductionist path. Major concepts are emphasized and explained in such a way that even lizards (there were plenty of those in Cancun) would understand. Every word is loaded with information and leaves a trace in the mind of any thinking person. The emphasis is on psychological state, which is believed to be paramount. Among the concepts and metaphors are:
(譯註: Konstantin是犯罪心理學博士,反恐專家,除了身手了得外,特別注意生理心理的交互作用,心理層面因素的介入甚至直接改變生理運作)
“Fear lives deep and is planted in childhood, since everything forbidden is reinforced with fear”.(由於用恐嚇手段進行管教,恐懼在兒時就深植心中)
“Movement comes from the body. When you fall do not plan the motion, just sink to the floor relaxing the body”.(讓身體主導運動。倒下時別想著調整落地姿勢只管放鬆攤平)
“Thought lives in the mind, sensations live in the body”. (思維存在腦中,知覺在身上)
“Trace your own state of psyche and mind. Do not be carried away with things around you”.(留意自己的心理運作狀態,別讓週圍發生的事干擾你)
“Relax the psyche” - Ample amounts of breathing exercises with lots of breath holds.(放下它! 原註:在各種呼吸練習中閉氣。譯注:強調練習中閉氣的窘迫感來自心理層面比較多,小弟有深刻體認,有次講習中我因特別原因分心忘了停住呼吸的不適,見其他人渾身緊張不對勁,還納悶大家都怎麼回事了,有這樣難以忍受嗎? 其實愈去想會愈覺得不行了!)
“Fear is interchangeable with aggression. Rationalize and relieve the fear before it turns into aggression.” (恐懼與攻擊意圖會交互作用,在恐懼變成攻擊意圖前轉化掉恐懼。譯註:這種情況在"霸凌"行為上甚為明顯,被欺負的人愈害怕反而吸引更多攻擊。)
“Relaxed psyche enables one to move just enough and in time to counter an attack.”(放鬆心情讓人能適時適度的移動應付攻擊。譯注:愈緊繃在意對方的攻擊,愈容易出現留在原地對決的情況,反之你來了我走就是。)
“Once you learn to move the body, you will not be afraid of other folks.”(一旦學會移動就不再害怕一擁而上的情況)
Sergey Ozereliev
“If you do not do it right away, I will help you in my own way” (若你不立刻作到,我就"幫"你!)
Sergey has a gift of being able to force anyone to perform Systema correctly right at this moment in time and space. Likely, it comes from being a Special Operations Unit Coach, where the soldiers have to learn the skills in no time.
The concepts and metaphors are:
“The body is fog, but fists are real” – This refers to Mikhail Ryabko being present without any tension, thus his body is not perceived by the opponent and then the fists come as a painful surprise… (身體是虛的,但拳頭是實的。 原註:引用 Mikhail 的教導:身無tension,讓對手無法察覺行動意圖,但拳頭卻出乎對手意外地紮實打進去。譯註:systema追求打人不知的境界,當著面被打了還不搞不清發生什麼事)
“One strike should feed another”.(一次打擊應該不只顧一個目標)
“Powerful interactive work comes from freedom”.(解放身心才有具威力的"互動")
“When one focuses on the weapon, only half of the body works”.(當注意力集中在來犯的武器上,就只剩一半的身體能動! 譯註:這句意義小弟是這樣領會的,我相信有人對"那一半"的看法會和我相反)
“Be free and then you will hit nonstop”.(解開自我束縛後你的攻勢就能連綿不絕。)
“If you did not learn to overcome fear, you did not learn anything”.(不克服恐懼就學不到任何東西)
About the Author: Alexander Shostko is a Systema Instructor teaching at “RMA Northern Virginia school”, USA. He can be contacted at systemanova@yahoo.com